2015年5月27日 星期三

Grammar: No sooner had + S + p.p….+than + S + V-ed…

No sooner had + S + p.p….+than + S + V-ed…
Senior high school, 2nd grade
2 periods, 100 minutes
Prerequisite Knowledge
1.      The students have learned the vocabulary and grammar in junior high school.
2.      The students have read the text in this lesson and acquired basic knowledge of it
3.      The students are able to use the vocabulary in this lesson
Material Sources

1.      龍騰 Book 4 Lesson 8
Teaching Objectives
1.      Be able to use the sentence pattern “No sooner had + S + p.p….+than + S + V-ed…”.
2.      Be able to understand the basic rules in “Inversion” sentence pattern.
3.      Be able to use sentence patterns that are related to the one in this lesson: “as soon as ” and “had hardly…when”.
4.      Be able to understand the differences of the sentence patterns.
5.      Be able to make sentences in the sentence patterns.

Activities and Resources used in class 

The combination of literature, reading comprehension, and grammar
Story introduction and preview on the grammar
1.   Youtube video
2.  Appendix 1: story PPT
Activity : Grammar teaching
Teach grammar
1.  Xmind
Plot Review
Story plot review
1.  optional: PPT
Activity : Story rewriting
Story re-writing
1.  Google Drive
2.  Social network
3.  appendix 2 : recording
4.  appendix 3 : eBook

Period 1

The combination of literature, reading comprehension, and grammar

The teacher plays a video about The Fall of the House of Usher.

The teacher does a brief introduction of the work and the author with PPT, and finally comes to a conclusion:
When telling stories, we usually use some certain formulas or some figures of speech to make the story more attractive to our audience. And later, you have to rearrange and organize the story after reading it and re-write it in the sentence patterns which we will about to learn.

Activity : Grammar teaching

The teacher will use Xmind to show the students the mind mapping of the three sentence patterns
I.            介紹文法
句型的意思即和as soon as + S + V-ed…, S + V-ed….相同(用來描述在過去時間中,前後發生的兩件事情)
è ­­…,

B.          舉例(中文)
1.          我一出門,就開始下雨
2.          他一交到女朋友,就告訴每個遇見的人
è …(發生第一件事),…(接著第二件事)…
Ø   注意 : 事件發生的時間順序是什麼?

1.      as soon as   
                                  + 第一件事() , 第二件事()      
No sooner had                
2.      No sooner had…than的句型結構解釋時間順序

No sooner had + S + p.p…. + than + S + V-ed….
         (過去完成式)          (過去式)

è --------+--------------+--------------x----------   過去完成式發生在過去式前
                             過去完成    過去式         現在

II.          與倒裝句的關係

A.          為何要倒裝?

B.          否定的倒裝形式
否定詞 + 動詞 + 主詞
C.          此句型的倒裝
倒裝後: No sooner had I walked out of the door than it started to rain.
倒裝前: I had no sooner walked out of the door than it started to rain.
è S + had no sooner + p.p….than + S + V-ed….
III.            舉例(請學生回答並用Xmind紀錄)

IV.            同義句型
       S + had hardly/scarcely + p.p….when + S + V-ed….
A.          意義相同(…,…)

B.          比較 : 和本課句型倒裝前S + had no sooner + p.p.than + S + V-ed…有什麼類似的地方?
1.          過去完成式的出現
2.          都具有否定詞
Ø   如何去記憶這兩個相似的句型?
No sooner 當中有sooner這個比較級,因此搭配than

.          練習(課本練習)
.        Think about: is it ok to use this sentence structure with present tense?

.        比較三個句型

1as soon as

I’ll write you as soon as I get there.(一般現在)

As soon as I went in, Katherine cried out with pleasure.(一般過去)

I’ll return the book as soon as I have read it.(現在完成)

Andrew left as soon as he had drunk his coffee.(過去完成)

2no soonerthan



He had hardly finished the article when the light went out.

He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house.

Finally, the teacher will complete a mind map like this:

Period 2

Plot Review

The teacher will separate the students in groups, and each group will get some pieces of paper on which the summary of the story The Fall of the House of Usher is written. However, the summary is not complete and separated into sentences. The students have to work in group and try to rearrange the sentences and put them together into a complete story.

Then the students have to share their results and the teacher will check the right order with the students. And the teacher will re-tell the story in the correct order again.


Activity : Story rewriting
A. The teacher will ask the students to notice that the story is always written in the sentence pattern : as soon as. The students will then asked to re-write the story with the sentence patterns taught in the previous class. Students are allowed to add acceptable new plots into the story. This activity is also completed in groups. When the students are finished, they have to fill in the sheets according to the results of their discussion on Google Drive. And the teacher will display the differences and similarities of how the students use the sentence patterns in this story.

B. The students then have to demonstrate the story they write in their scripts on the stage. They have to speak in English and at the same time, the teacher will record the performances and put the videos on social network platform. The teacher will also give the students some advice about the performances, and at the end of the semester, the students will have to create or re-write another story, and they will demonstrate the new story based on the sentence patterns taught in the day's class and the teacher's suggestions on the day's performances. Other sentence pattern will be added into the final play in the following classes. And before their performance, they would have to hand in the script by using PPT or eBook applications.

